

├──01 – Introduction
| ├──001 Welcome_en.srt 2.47kb
| ├──001 Welcome.mp4 39.29M
| ├──001 Welcome.srt 2.29kb
| ├──002 Join the H3D Student Community_en.srt 1.61kb
| ├──002 Join the H3D Student Community.mp4 7.35M
| ├──002 Join the H3D Student Community.srt 1.53kb
| ├──003 Contacting H3D.html 0.11kb
| ├──004 FAQs.html 0.61kb
| ├──005 Voxels_en.srt 4.58kb
| ├──005 Voxels.mp4 104.60M
| ├──005 Voxels.srt 4.13kb
| ├──006 3D Array and Data Management_en.srt 3.57kb
| ├──006 3D Array and Data Management.mp4 34.34M
| ├──006 3D Array and Data Management.srt 3.21kb
| ├──007 AllCubesSolution.zip 8.92kb
| ├──007 CameraController.cs 4.23kb
| ├──007 Why You Can’t Build Minecraft with Cubes_en.srt 17.37kb
| ├──007 Why You Can’t Build Minecraft with Cubes.mp4 113.27M
| ├──007 Why You Can’t Build Minecraft with Cubes.srt 16.68kb
| ├──008 Cube World Challenge_en.srt 8.19kb
| ├──008 Cube World Challenge.mp4 68.26M
| ├──008 Cube World Challenge.srt 7.71kb
| └──008 WorldControllerChallengeSolution.cs 0.81kb
├──02 – How to Build a Block
| ├──001 AnatomyOfCube.zip 1.31M
| ├──001 The Anatomy of a Cube_en.srt 7.35kb
| ├──001 The Anatomy of a Cube.mp4 34.55M
| ├──001 The Anatomy of a Cube.srt 6.79kb
| ├──002 How to Build a Quad Part 1_en.srt 12.12kb
| ├──002 How to Build a Quad Part 1.mp4 66.34M
| ├──002 How to Build a Quad Part 1.srt 11.65kb
| ├──003 FirstQuad.cs 1.68kb
| ├──003 How to Build a Quad Part 2_en.srt 9.72kb
| ├──003 How to Build a Quad Part 2.mp4 81.36M
| ├──003 How to Build a Quad Part 2.srt 9.41kb
| ├──004 How to Build a Cube Part 1_en.srt 13.43kb
| ├──004 How to Build a Cube Part 1.mp4 94.29M
| ├──004 How to Build a Cube Part 1.srt 13.22kb
| ├──005 How to Build a Cube Part 2_en.srt 9.12kb
| ├──005 How to Build a Cube Part 2.mp4 70.35M
| ├──005 How to Build a Cube Part 2.srt 8.63kb
| ├──005 MultiBlockCube.zip 4.34kb
| ├──006 Merging Meshes Part 1_en.srt 15.42kb
| ├──006 Merging Meshes Part 1.mp4 132.96M
| ├──006 Merging Meshes Part 1.srt 15.13kb
| ├──006 MeshUtils.cs 2.33kb
| ├──007 Merging Meshes Part 2_en.srt 6.72kb
| ├──007 Merging Meshes Part 2.mp4 58.22M
| ├──007 Merging Meshes Part 2.srt 6.61kb
| ├──007 MeshesMerged.zip 4.91kb
| ├──008 S0209Resources.zip 1.44M
| ├──008 Texturing Quads and Blocks_en.srt 11.37kb
| ├──008 Texturing Quads and Blocks.mp4 104.50M
| ├──008 Texturing Quads and Blocks.srt 10.70kb
| ├──009 BlockTypesFinal.zip 1.49M
| ├──009 Creating Block Types and Assigning Textures_en.srt 8.86kb
| ├──009 Creating Block Types and Assigning Textures.mp4 79.85M
| └──009 Creating Block Types and Assigning Textures.srt 8.44kb
├──03 – How to Build a Chunk
| ├──001 How to Put a Chunk Together Part 1_en.srt 12.07kb
| ├──001 How to Put a Chunk Together Part 1.mp4 145.06M
| ├──001 How to Put a Chunk Together Part 1.srt 11.35kb
| ├──002 How to Put a Chunk Together Part 2_en.srt 10.26kb
| ├──002 How to Put a Chunk Together Part 2.mp4 105.76M
| ├──002 How to Put a Chunk Together Part 2.srt 9.95kb
| ├──002 S0302Resources.zip 0.38kb
| ├──003 How to Put a Chunk Together Part 3_en.srt 12.85kb
| ├──003 How to Put a Chunk Together Part 3.mp4 96.00M
| ├──003 How to Put a Chunk Together Part 3.srt 12.48kb
| ├──003 S0303Resources.zip 0.45kb
| ├──004 How to Put a Chunk Together Part 4_en.srt 15.21kb
| ├──004 How to Put a Chunk Together Part 4.mp4 158.52M
| ├──004 How to Put a Chunk Together Part 4.srt 14.94kb
| ├──004 S0304Resources.zip 1.50M
| ├──005 Getting to Know the Block Neighbours_en.srt 13.92kb
| ├──005 Getting to Know the Block Neighbours.mp4 147.32M
| ├──005 Getting to Know the Block Neighbours.srt 13.15kb
| ├──006 Drawing only Visible Quads_en.srt 10.74kb
| ├──006 Drawing only Visible Quads.mp4 112.71M
| ├──006 Drawing only Visible Quads.srt 10.48kb
| ├──007 Adding Air_en.srt 3.11kb
| ├──007 Adding Air.mp4 32.19M
| ├──007 Adding Air.srt 3.09kb
| └──007 BuildingChunkFinal.zip 1.50M
├──04 – Sculpting a Landscape
| ├──001 The Theory of Noise_en.srt 8.77kb
| ├──001 The Theory of Noise.mp4 102.04M
| ├──001 The Theory of Noise.srt 7.90kb
| ├──002 Graphing Noise_en.srt 14.21kb
| ├──002 Graphing Noise.mp4 92.24M
| ├──002 Graphing Noise.srt 13.74kb
| ├──003 Fractal Brownian Motion_en.srt 13.18kb
| ├──003 Fractal Brownian Motion.mp4 82.92M
| ├──003 Fractal Brownian Motion.srt 12.63kb
| ├──004 Adding Heights to a Chunk_en.srt 8.21kb
| ├──004 Adding Heights to a Chunk.mp4 69.43M
| ├──004 Adding Heights to a Chunk.srt 7.86kb
| └──004 PerlinHeightChunkFinal.zip 1.50M
├──05 – How to Build a World
| ├──001 ChunkBlockUpdates.zip 3.47kb
| ├──001 Making Chunk Adjustments for World Use_en.srt 11.36kb
| ├──001 Making Chunk Adjustments for World Use.mp4 94.36M
| ├──001 Making Chunk Adjustments for World Use.srt 10.51kb
| ├──002 FinalBuildingWorld.zip 1.89M
| ├──002 The World Class_en.srt 9.32kb
| ├──002 The World Class.mp4 65.81M
| ├──002 The World Class.srt 8.96kb
| ├──003 Building the World with a Co-routine_en.srt 6.59kb
| ├──003 Building the World with a Co-routine.mp4 59.83M
| ├──003 Building the World with a Co-routine.srt 6.26kb
| ├──003 WorldCoRoutine.cs 1.08kb
| ├──004 Exploring the World on Foot_en.srt 8.92kb
| ├──004 Exploring the World on Foot.mp4 80.55M
| ├──004 Exploring the World on Foot.srt 8.68kb
| ├──004 FPC.zip 245.51kb
| ├──005 Loading with a Progress Bar_en.srt 9.98kb
| ├──005 Loading with a Progress Bar.mp4 96.87M
| ├──005 Loading with a Progress Bar.srt 9.56kb
| ├──006 Switching Camera Control_en.srt 9.48kb
| ├──006 Switching Camera Control.mp4 78.87M
| ├──006 Switching Camera Control.srt 9.08kb
| └──006 WorldBuildingWithProgress.zip 1.75M
├──06 – Creating Layers
| ├──001 Graphing More Perlin Noise_en.srt 3.43kb
| ├──001 Graphing More Perlin Noise.mp4 25.23M
| ├──001 Graphing More Perlin Noise.srt 3.37kb
| ├──001 PerlinGrapher.cs 1.32kb
| ├──002 Placing Grass On Top_en.srt 9.36kb
| ├──002 Placing Grass On Top.mp4 102.69M
| ├──002 Placing Grass On Top.srt 8.83kb
| ├──002 S0602Solution.zip 0.97kb
| ├──003 Preparing for Multiple Layers_en.srt 14.20kb
| ├──003 Preparing for Multiple Layers.mp4 105.93M
| ├──003 Preparing for Multiple Layers.srt 13.86kb
| ├──003 S0603Resources.zip 1.67kb
| ├──004 Adding a Layer with Probability_en.srt 9.16kb
| ├──004 Adding a Layer with Probability.mp4 107.12M
| ├──004 Adding a Layer with Probability.srt 8.73kb
| ├──005 BlockUVs.cs 2.71kb
| ├──005 Defining a Seam of Minerals_en.srt 13.68kb
| ├──005 Defining a Seam of Minerals.mp4 159.87M
| ├──005 Defining a Seam of Minerals.srt 12.94kb
| ├──005 MeshUtilsFBM3D.cs 5.99kb
| ├──006 Perlin3DGrapher.cs 1.79kb
| ├──006 Three Dimensional Perlin Noise_en.srt 6.25kb
| ├──006 Three Dimensional Perlin Noise.mp4 69.04M
| ├──006 Three Dimensional Perlin Noise.srt 5.93kb
| ├──007 Graphing 3D Perlin Noise_en.srt 15.07kb
| ├──007 Graphing 3D Perlin Noise.mp4 122.19M
| ├──007 Graphing 3D Perlin Noise.srt 14.67kb
| ├──008 Adding Caves Into the Chunks_en.srt 12.22kb
| ├──008 Adding Caves Into the Chunks.mp4 115.91M
| ├──008 Adding Caves Into the Chunks.srt 11.77kb
| ├──009 Bedrock_en.srt 4.74kb
| ├──009 Bedrock.mp4 84.16M
| ├──009 Bedrock.srt 4.52kb
| └──009 FinalLayers.zip 1.89M
├──07 – Player Interaction
| ├──001 Building by the Column_en.srt 9.18kb
| ├──001 Building by the Column.mp4 98.08M
| ├──001 Building by the Column.srt 8.91kb
| ├──002 Expanding the World with Player Movement Part 1_en.srt 10.72kb
| ├──002 Expanding the World with Player Movement Part 1.mp4 112.53M
| ├──002 Expanding the World with Player Movement Part 1.srt 10.03kb
| ├──003 Expanding the World with Player Movement Part 2_en.srt 10.12kb
| ├──003 Expanding the World with Player Movement Part 2.mp4 100.73M
| ├──003 Expanding the World with Player Movement Part 2.srt 9.56kb
| ├──004 Expanding the World with Player Movement Part 3_en.srt 12.69kb
| ├──004 Expanding the World with Player Movement Part 3.mp4 64.00M
| ├──004 Expanding the World with Player Movement Part 3.srt 12.08kb
| ├──005 Hiding Chunks_en.srt 7.09kb
| ├──005 Hiding Chunks.mp4 80.85M
| ├──005 Hiding Chunks.srt 6.84kb
| ├──005 S0705Solution.zip 1.89M
| ├──006 ParallelChunk.zip 2.76kb
| ├──006 Processing Blocks in Parallel_en.srt 13.17kb
| ├──006 Processing Blocks in Parallel.mp4 122.08M
| ├──006 Processing Blocks in Parallel.srt 12.68kb
| ├──007 Building in the Background_en.srt 17.52kb
| ├──007 Building in the Background.mp4 202.40M
| ├──007 Building in the Background.srt 16.43kb
| ├──007 FinalBuildingWorld.zip 1.89M
| ├──008 ChunksRandomFixed.zip 3.09kb
| ├──008 Something went wrong on the way to the core_en.srt 7.40kb
| ├──008 Something went wrong on the way to the core.mp4 57.23M
| └──008 Something went wrong on the way to the core.srt 6.86kb
├──08 – Mining and Construction
| ├──001 crosshair.png 4.39kb
| ├──001 Digging Holes Part 1_en.srt 14.92kb
| ├──001 Digging Holes Part 1.mp4 145.98M
| ├──001 Digging Holes Part 1.srt 14.04kb
| ├──002 Digging Holes Part 2_en.srt 13.39kb
| ├──002 Digging Holes Part 2.mp4 118.44M
| ├──002 Digging Holes Part 2.srt 12.84kb
| ├──003 A Blocking Building Menu_en.srt 16.13kb
| ├──003 A Blocking Building Menu.mp4 163.91M
| ├──003 A Blocking Building Menu.srt 15.56kb
| ├──004 Building Blocks_en.srt 8.92kb
| ├──004 Building Blocks.mp4 98.74M
| ├──004 Building Blocks.srt 8.45kb
| ├──004 CanvasNav.cs 1.17kb
| ├──005 BuildAcrossChunks.zip 3.38M
| ├──005 Building Across Chunks_en.srt 15.08kb
| ├──005 Building Across Chunks.mp4 184.88M
| ├──005 Building Across Chunks.srt 14.12kb
| ├──006 Decals and Secondary UVs_en.srt 11.75kb
| ├──006 Decals and Secondary UVs.mp4 147.06M
| ├──006 Decals and Secondary UVs.srt 11.09kb
| ├──006 MeshUtils2Uvs.zip 2.02kb
| ├──007 Adding Secondary UVs to a Quad_en.srt 6.80kb
| ├──007 Adding Secondary UVs to a Quad.mp4 68.10M
| ├──007 Adding Secondary UVs to a Quad.srt 6.47kb
| ├──007 BlockQuad2Uvs.zip 2.38kb
| ├──008 Chunk2uvs.zip 2.88kb
| ├──008 Parallel Processing of Meshes with Two Sets of UVs_en.srt 14.18kb
| ├──008 Parallel Processing of Meshes with Two Sets of UVs.mp4 146.20M
| ├──008 Parallel Processing of Meshes with Two Sets of UVs.srt 13.35kb
| ├──009 Breaking Blocks_en.srt 12.90kb
| ├──009 Breaking Blocks.mp4 146.02M
| ├──009 Breaking Blocks.srt 12.40kb
| ├──010 Healing Blocks_en.srt 6.91kb
| ├──010 Healing Blocks.mp4 77.20M
| ├──010 Healing Blocks.srt 6.77kb
| └──010 HealingBlockFinal.zip 4.85M
├──09 – Saving and Loading
| ├──001 Serialising World Data_en.srt 10.63kb
| ├──001 Serialising World Data.mp4 88.23M
| ├──001 Serialising World Data.srt 10.14kb
| ├──002 Extracting World Data_en.srt 10.42kb
| ├──002 Extracting World Data.mp4 93.84M
| ├──002 Extracting World Data.srt 10.08kb
| ├──003 floppy-icon.png 0.82kb
| ├──003 Saving to a File_en.srt 13.62kb
| ├──003 Saving to a File.mp4 132.27M
| ├──003 Saving to a File.srt 13.45kb
| ├──004 Reading World Data from File_en.srt 6.86kb
| ├──004 Reading World Data from File.mp4 71.81M
| ├──004 Reading World Data from File.srt 6.69kb
| ├──005 Loading World Data into Chunk Data_en.srt 13.52kb
| ├──005 Loading World Data into Chunk Data.mp4 151.82M
| ├──005 Loading World Data into Chunk Data.srt 13.00kb
| ├──006 Loading From File Loading Bar_en.srt 4.49kb
| ├──006 Loading From File Loading Bar.mp4 47.43M
| ├──006 Loading From File Loading Bar.srt 4.22kb
| ├──007 Hiding the Extra World_en.srt 8.54kb
| ├──007 Hiding the Extra World.mp4 92.38M
| ├──007 Hiding the Extra World.srt 8.24kb
| └──007 WorldSavingFinal.zip 4.85M
├──10 – Dynamic Block Types
| ├──001 Block Neighbours and Chunks_en.srt 12.59kb
| ├──001 Block Neighbours and Chunks.mp4 124.97M
| ├──001 Block Neighbours and Chunks.srt 11.83kb
| ├──002 Falling Blocks_en.srt 11.42kb
| ├──002 Falling Blocks.mp4 78.91M
| ├──002 Falling Blocks.srt 10.76kb
| ├──003 Digging Beneath_en.srt 10.46kb
| ├──003 Digging Beneath.mp4 141.31M
| ├──003 Digging Beneath.srt 10.20kb
| ├──004 Fluid Blocks_en.srt 14.22kb
| ├──004 Fluid Blocks.mp4 124.98M
| ├──004 Fluid Blocks.srt 13.66kb
| ├──005 Controlling Flow_en.srt 17.84kb
| ├──005 Controlling Flow.mp4 223.45M
| ├──005 Controlling Flow.srt 17.07kb
| ├──005 DropAndFlowFinal.zip 4.95M
| ├──006 Planting Trees_en.srt 13.49kb
| ├──006 Planting Trees.mp4 161.15M
| ├──006 Planting Trees.srt 12.87kb
| ├──006 PlantingTreesFinal.zip 4.95M
| ├──006 UpdatedMeshUtils.cs 7.04kb
| ├──007 Growing Trees_en.srt 12.56kb
| ├──007 Growing Trees.mp4 125.43M
| ├──007 Growing Trees.srt 12.08kb
| ├──008 A Tree Designer_en.srt 9.81kb
| ├──008 A Tree Designer.mp4 91.13M
| ├──008 A Tree Designer.srt 9.58kb
| ├──008 TreeDesigner.zip 23.39kb
| ├──009 The Water Table_en.srt 5.11kb
| ├──009 The Water Table.mp4 84.59M
| └──009 The Water Table.srt 4.86kb
├──11 – Improvements & Extras
| ├──001 Blocks with Transparency_en.srt 16.99kb
| ├──001 Blocks with Transparency.mp4 202.86M
| ├──001 Blocks with Transparency.srt 16.73kb
| ├──002 Adjusting for Two Meshes Per Chunk_en.srt 13.96kb
| ├──002 Adjusting for Two Meshes Per Chunk.mp4 186.86M
| ├──002 Adjusting for Two Meshes Per Chunk.srt 13.38kb
| ├──003 UV Scrolling of Water Texture_en.srt 11.97kb
| ├──003 UV Scrolling of Water Texture.mp4 80.30M
| ├──003 UV Scrolling of Water Texture.srt 11.53kb
| ├──004 Being Underwater_en.srt 20.15kb
| ├──004 Being Underwater.mp4 193.93M
| ├──004 Being Underwater.srt 19.32kb
| ├──005 A Word on Biomes_en.srt 9.15kb
| ├──005 A Word on Biomes.mp4 191.87M
| ├──005 A Word on Biomes.srt 8.73kb
| ├──006 Biome Challenge Project_en.srt 10.53kb
| ├──006 Biome Challenge Project.mp4 202.05M
| ├──006 Biome Challenge Project.srt 9.93kb
| └──006 VoxelWorldFinalFolder.zip 490.51M
├──12 – Final Words
| ├──001 Some Final Words from Penny_en.srt 4.67kb
| ├──001 Some Final Words from Penny.mp4 150.61M
| ├──001 Some Final Words from Penny.srt 4.26kb
| └──002 Where to now.html 0.12kb
| └──001 READ THIS.html 0.20kb
├──14 – Anatomy of a Cube
| ├──001 AnatomyOfCube.zip 3.01M
| ├──001 The Anatomy of a Cube_en.srt 7.48kb
| ├──001 The Anatomy of a Cube.mp4 52.60M
| ├──001 The Anatomy of a Cube.srt 6.95kb
| ├──002 Building a Quad_en.srt 10.52kb
| ├──002 Building a Quad.mp4 94.70M
| ├──002 Building a Quad.srt 9.97kb
| ├──002 CreateQuads.zip 1.26kb
| ├──003 Building a Cube_en.srt 14.29kb
| ├──003 Building a Cube.mp4 125.79M
| ├──003 Building a Cube.srt 13.88kb
| ├──003 CombineQuads.zip 1.84kb
| ├──004 UVs and Texture Atlases_en.srt 4.72kb
| ├──004 UVs and Texture Atlases.mp4 61.06M
| ├──004 UVs and Texture Atlases.srt 4.20kb
| ├──005 blockatlas.zip 255.31kb
| ├──005 CreateQuadsWithUVs.zip 2.12kb
| ├──005 TextureAtlas.zip 1.21kb
| ├──005 Texturing Quads & Cubes_en.srt 12.98kb
| ├──005 Texturing Quads & Cubes.mp4 123.04M
| ├──005 Texturing Quads & Cubes.srt 12.08kb
| ├──006 Block-Chunk.zip 2.95kb
| ├──006 Chunks Part 1_en.srt 11.72kb
| ├──006 Chunks Part 1.mp4 164.41M
| ├──006 Chunks Part 1.srt 11.04kb
| ├──007 Blocks-ChunksCullQuads.zip 3.19kb
| ├──007 Chunks Part 2_en.srt 10.88kb
| ├──007 Chunks Part 2.mp4 89.22M
| ├──007 Chunks Part 2.srt 10.30kb
| ├──008 BlocksChunksAir.zip 3.25kb
| ├──008 Chunks Part 3_en.srt 8.34kb
| ├──008 Chunks Part 3.mp4 86.61M
| ├──008 Chunks Part 3.srt 8.09kb
| ├──009 Chunk Columns_en.srt 20.15kb
| ├──009 Chunk Columns.mp4 208.84M
| ├──009 Chunk Columns.srt 18.66kb
| ├──009 ChunkCol.zip 4.14kb
| ├──010 InterChunk.zip 4.40kb
| ├──010 Locating Inter-Chunk Neighbours_en.srt 9.54kb
| ├──010 Locating Inter-Chunk Neighbours.mp4 112.66M
| ├──010 Locating Inter-Chunk Neighbours.srt 8.49kb
| ├──011 BuildWorld.zip 1.18kb
| ├──011 World Building_en.srt 2.70kb
| ├──011 World Building.mp4 34.45M
| └──011 World Building.srt 2.51kb
├──15 – Noise
| ├──001 The Theory of Noise_en.srt 8.68kb
| ├──001 The Theory of Noise.mp4 101.45M
| ├──001 The Theory of Noise.srt 7.75kb
| ├──002 Graphing Perlin_en.srt 15.56kb
| ├──002 Graphing Perlin.mp4 117.08M
| ├──002 Graphing Perlin.srt 14.49kb
| ├──002 NoisePlay.zip 2.36M
| ├──003 Brownian Motion_en.srt 9.11kb
| ├──003 Brownian Motion.mp4 73.76M
| ├──003 Brownian Motion.srt 8.12kb
| ├──003 GraphNoise.zip 1.06kb
| ├──004 ChunkHeights.zip 739.05kb
| ├──004 Chunking Noise_en.srt 13.11kb
| ├──004 Chunking Noise.mp4 115.83M
| ├──004 Chunking Noise.srt 12.27kb
| ├──004 Utils.zip 2.29kb
| ├──005 Noisy Block Types_en.srt 8.66kb
| ├──005 Noisy Block Types.mp4 90.56M
| ├──005 Noisy Block Types.srt 8.23kb
| ├──005 StoneLayer.zip 5.46kb
| ├──006 Caves & Diamonds_en.srt 15.45kb
| ├──006 Caves & Diamonds.mp4 248.14M
| ├──006 Caves & Diamonds.srt 14.39kb
| ├──006 Caves.zip 4.61kb
| ├──008 Challenge Exercise.html 0.26kb
| └──008 NoiseChallenge.zip 3.71kb
├──16 – To Infinity and Beyond
| ├──001 AddPlayer.zip 2.30kb
| ├──001 Characters.zip 23.32M
| ├──001 Loading Chunks Around the Player_en.srt 14.20kb
| ├──001 Loading Chunks Around the Player.mp4 143.96M
| ├──001 Loading Chunks Around the Player.srt 13.36kb
| ├──002 Loading Status_en.srt 17.66kb
| ├──002 Loading Status.mp4 144.15M
| ├──002 Loading Status.srt 16.58kb
| ├──002 LoadingBar.zip 1.43kb
| ├──003 BruteForceBuilding.zip 3.13kb
| ├──003 Loading & Destroying Chunks As Player Moves Part 1_en.srt 15.19kb
| ├──003 Loading & Destroying Chunks As Player Moves Part 1.mp4 141.90M
| ├──003 Loading & Destroying Chunks As Player Moves Part 1.srt 14.39kb
| ├──003 LoadingWithPlayer.zip 51.88M
| ├──004 Loading & Destroying Chunks As Player Moves Part 2_en.srt 20.87kb
| ├──004 Loading & Destroying Chunks As Player Moves Part 2.mp4 264.32M
| ├──004 Loading & Destroying Chunks As Player Moves Part 2.srt 19.14kb
| ├──004 RecursiveBuildStarter.zip 58.87M
| ├──004 RecursiveZ.zip 1.47kb
| ├──005 Loading & Destroying Chunks As Player Moves Part 3_en.srt 14.16kb
| ├──005 Loading & Destroying Chunks As Player Moves Part 3.mp4 237.25M
| ├──005 Loading & Destroying Chunks As Player Moves Part 3.srt 13.28kb
| ├──005 Queues.zip 1.68kb
| ├──006 DestroyingBlocks.zip 1.82kb
| ├──006 Loading & Destroying Chunks As Player Moves Part 4_en.srt 6.55kb
| ├──006 Loading & Destroying Chunks As Player Moves Part 4.mp4 74.58M
| ├──006 Loading & Destroying Chunks As Player Moves Part 4.srt 6.04kb
| ├──007 Saving and Loading Chunks_en.srt 16.18kb
| ├──007 Saving and Loading Chunks.mp4 131.62M
| ├──007 Saving and Loading Chunks.srt 15.29kb
| └──007 SavingChunks.zip 3.99kb
├──17 – Interactivity
| ├──001 ClickBlockDestroy.zip 7.28kb
| ├──001 Removing Blocks_en.srt 24.13kb
| ├──001 Removing Blocks.mp4 330.26M
| ├──001 Removing Blocks.srt 22.44kb
| ├──002 blockatlas.png.zip 1.44M
| ├──002 CrackedBlocksSolution.zip 1.71M
| ├──002 CrackingBlocks.zip 5.94kb
| ├──002 ProcessTextureAtlasAdvanced.zip 1.47kb
| ├──002 Removing Stubborn Blocks_en.srt 20.30kb
| ├──002 Removing Stubborn Blocks.mp4 299.87M
| ├──002 Removing Stubborn Blocks.srt 19.30kb
| ├──003 Healing Blocks_en.srt 6.99kb
| ├──003 Healing Blocks.mp4 76.55M
| ├──003 Healing Blocks.srt 6.59kb
| ├──003 Heal.zip 5.49kb
| ├──004 Building_en.srt 5.67kb
| ├──004 Building.mp4 52.67M
| ├──004 Building.srt 5.39kb
| ├──004 Build.zip 4.04kb
| ├──005 AcrossChunks.zip 4.31kb
| ├──005 GETWORLDPOS-FIX.cs.zip 1.00kb
| ├──005 Working Across Chunks_en.srt 6.91kb
| ├──005 Working Across Chunks.mp4 109.31M
| ├──005 Working Across Chunks.srt 6.31kb
| ├──006 CompleteSection5.zip 62.53M
| ├──006 README-NOW.pdf 1015.54kb
| ├──006 Saving Progress_en.srt 4.56kb
| ├──006 Saving Progress.mp4 43.03M
| ├──006 Saving Progress.srt 4.33kb
| ├──006 SavingProg.zip 4.41kb
| ├──007 Challenge Exercise.html 0.38kb
| ├──007 Section5Challenge.zip 4.18kb
| ├──008 MinecraftVersions.zip 108.50M
| └──008 Unity Packages for Different Unity Versions.html 0.13kb
├──18 – Dynamics
| ├──001 Water_en.srt 14.64kb
| ├──001 Water.mp4 309.01M
| ├──001 Water.srt 13.81kb
| ├──002 Moving Water.mp4 235.88M
| ├──002. Moving Water_en.srt 13.02kb
| ├──002. Moving Water.srt 12.29kb
| ├──003 Sand_en.srt 6.59kb
| ├──003 Sand.mp4 90.94M
| ├──003 Sand.srt 6.34kb
| ├──004 Updating Dynamics_en.srt 5.83kb
| ├──004 Updating Dynamics.mp4 88.96M
| ├──004 Updating Dynamics.srt 5.62kb
| ├──005 Trees_en.srt 10.97kb
| ├──005 Trees.mp4 135.98M
| ├──005 Trees.srt 10.29kb
| ├──006 Biomes_en.srt 5.80kb
| ├──006 Biomes.mp4 136.94M
| ├──006 Biomes.srt 5.42kb
| ├──Biomes.zip 5.83kb
| ├──Drop.zip 4.27kb
| ├──Flow.zip 5.57kb
| ├──TreeCreate.zip 6.33kb
| ├──UpdatingChunks.zip 6.55kb
| ├──VoxelWorld2019_Finale.zip 27.01M
| └──WaterPackage.zip 1.73M
├──19 – Extras
| ├──001 Moving Texture On Water.html 0.97kb
| └──002 Customising Complex Block Textures.html 7.13kb
└──20 – Final Words
| ├──001 Suggested-Order-of-Study-for-Holistic3D-Courses.url 0.06kb
| ├──001 Where to Now_en.srt 13.57kb
| ├──001 Where to Now.mp4 390.85M
| ├──001 Where to Now.srt 13.11kb
| └──external-links.txt 0.10kb

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