基于以太坊区块链创建、部署和可视化您的 NFT EatTheBlocks Pro – NFT
├──0001 Course Introduction.mp4 37.00M
├──0002 What Is An NFT.mp4 2.85M
├──0003 Types Of NFTs.mp4 12.97M
├──0004 History Of NFTs.mp4 3.29M
├──0005 Architecture Of NFTs.mp4 6.52M
├──0006 Introduction.mp4 16.10M
├──0007 EIP721 Token Standard.mp4 11.49M
├──0008 1 Setup Hardhat.mp4 8.45M
├──0009 2 The BalanceOf Function.mp4 12.85M
├──0010 3 The OwnerOf Function.mp4 10.45M
├──0011 4 The Operator Functions.mp4 26.52M
├──0012 5 The Approval Functions.mp4 29.09M
├──0013 6 The Transfer Functions.mp4 51.64M
├──0014 7 Adding The ERC165 Standard.mp4 13.89M
├──0015 Introduction.mp4 13.21M
├──0016 8 The Super Mario World Contract.mp4 9.10M
├──0017 9 Adding TokenURI.mp4 9.82M
├──0018 10 Adding Mint.mp4 14.86M
├──0019 11 Updating ERC165 Interface.mp4 11.39M
├──0020 12 Creating Metadata.mp4 12.60M
├──0021 13 Uploading Mario.mp4 9.51M
├──0022 14 Configuring Hardhat.mp4 11.85M
├──0023 15 Getting A Private Key and RPC.mp4 5.12M
├──0024 Adding Funds To Wallet.mp4 2.54M
├──0025 16 Updating Deploy Script.mp4 23.18M
├──0026 Deploy Mario.mp4 3.49M
├──0027 Viewing Mario On OpenSea.mp4 10.73M
├──0028 Introduction.mp4 13.49M
├──0029 17 Creating An ERC721 With OpenZeppelin.mp4 20.03M
├──0030 18 Advanced Metadata.mp4 18.29M
├──0031 18 1 Uploading Luigi.mp4 3.63M
├──0032 19 Deploying Luigi.mp4 9.12M
├──0033 Viewing Luigi On OpenSea.mp4 3.67M
├──0034 Introduction.mp4 13.59M
├──0035 ERC721 vs ERC1155.mp4 11.27M
├──0036 20 The BalanceOf Function.mp4 17.83M
├──0037 21 The BalanceOfBatch Function.mp4 24.85M
├──0038 22 The ApprovalForAll Function.mp4 32.73M
├──0039 23 The SafeTransferFrom Function.mp4 57.01M
├──0040 24 The SafeBatchTransferFrom Function.mp4 33.94M
├──0041 25 Adding The ERC165 Standard.mp4 12.08M
├──0042 26 Creating an NFT with ERC1155.mp4 39.26M
├──0043 27 Defining Yoshi s Metadata.mp4 13.91M
├──0044 28 Deploying Yoshi(1).mp4 19.76M
├──0044 28 Deploying Yoshi.mp4 26.76M
├──0045 Introduction.mp4 17.10M
├──0046 29 Upload Metadata For A Whole Collection.mp4 22.70M
├──0047 30 Super Mario World Collection Contract.mp4 42.62M
├──0048 31 Deploy Collection.mp4 25.75M
├──0049 32 Frontend Setup.mp4 17.48M
├──0050 33 NFTCard Background.mp4 26.13M
├──0051 34 NFTCard Image.mp4 13.42M
├──0052 35 NFTCard Text.mp4 19.71M
├──0053 36 NFTCard For Multiple NFTs.mp4 22.57M
├──0054 37 App Page Cleanup.mp4 22.74M
├──0055 38 NFTModal Background.mp4 20.06M
├──0056 39 NFTModal Content.mp4 32.04M
├──0057 40 NFTModal Popup Logic.mp4 40.15M
├──0058 41 NFTModal Attributes.mp4 29.46M
├──0059 42 Connecting To The NFT With EthersJS.mp4 32.95M
├──0060 43 Getting Metadata With Axios.mp4 53.98M
├──0061 44 Connecting To Metamask.mp4 35.76M
├──0062 45 Building The NFTProgressBar.mp4 20.76M
├──0063 46 Making The UI Mobile Responsive.mp4 16.53M
└──0064 Conclusion.mp4 2.37M